If you travel overseas carrying a blood group card could prove invaluable. Accidents and other emergencies can often be dealt with more efficiently knowing the blood group of the person or persons involved.
How accurate is this test?
The test is accurate and will detect the common blood grouping system A,B,O,AB and Rhesus(D). Unusual blood groups or rare sub-types will not be detected by this method. Further investigation by a blood transfusion laboratory will be necessary to identify such groups.
Please note: This test should not be used to determine blood type for transfusion purposes.
Test contents:
- Instruction leaflet
- Blood group test card x 1 (inside foil pouch)
- Blood group result card
- Lancets X 2
- Plastic pipette
- Alcohol swab x 2
- Applicators x 4.
- The card can only be used once
- Do not use this test if the foil pouch has been opened
- Perform test at room temperature
Read the entire instructions before carrying out the test. Ensure the applicators (eldonsticks) are only used for stirring and spreading the blood. You may find this test easier to carry out if you have a friend or family member assist you.
- Wash your hands before carrying out the test and again after carrying out the test.
- Open the foil pouch containing the test card. Place the card on a table or flat surface.
- Lay out the applicators (eldonsticks) ready for use.
- Fill a small cup with tap water and using the plastic pipette, draw a small volume of the tap water into the plastic pipette. You draw the water by simply holding the small, thin end in the water and squeezing the top part.
- With the test card still on a flat surface release one drop of water onto each of the coloured reagents spots on the EldonCard.
- Twist off the little green protective cap from the lancet. Place the lancet upon a table.
- Wipe a fingertip with the alcohol impregnated tissue provided and allow it to dry.
- Place the lancet against the end of the finger and press the green body against your finger to release the needle.
- Massage the finger from the bottom to the top to
encourage bloodflow. Press the blood towards fingertip. Repeat pressing
until a drop with a 3 to 4 mm (1/8 inch) diameter is seen.
- Transfer the blood to an EldonStick, approached from beneath the finger. Don’t smear the blood over the skin.
- Place the eldonstick with the drop of blood into the
first circle. The blood should touch the water already present. Gently
press the side of the eldonstick head against the card and stir in the
water and blood mixture until the coloured dry material has dissolved.
- Repeat this procedure for the other 3 circles, making sure you use a new eldonstick for each circle. You should NEVER transfer liquid from one circle to another.
- Once all 4 circles are complete gently tilt the whole
card vertically on its bottom edge and keep this position for 10
seconds. You will see the blood flowing slowly to the bottom of the
circle. Repeat this procedure tilting the card on the 3 other sides.
- As soon as you have finished tilting read and record the results immediately. See the table below for how the results are interpreted.
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